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Thursday, 28 May 2009

Like it or not, you've just paid for porn.

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The reputation of politicians has hit a new all time low, if that is possible. Parliament has had its fair share of sex and slease scandals in the past but with one single stroke this scandal has managed to involve all three of the major parties and tarnish politicians, no matter what party, reputations.

Claims have ranged from pornography and duck islands to moat upkeep and it is these types of expense claims that have enraged the public. Anthony Steen claimed on BBC radio 4 that it was "all about jealousy...and of this day I don't know what the fuss is about...what right does the public have to interfere with my private life? None" I think you'll find that the public has every right to interfere with your private life when it concerns where their tax money is going. You'll be glad to hear that he has announced his retirement even though he still believes he's done nothing wrong.

For a government that was once envied around the globe, this is a humbling time for all involved and politicians need to take a good hard look at themselves. 64% of the public have called for an early election but really if there was an early election, with the three major parties involved in the scandal, who would be best choice? I wouldn't know who to vote for.

This really isn't a good time to be a politician but with the salary they're on they can't complain at the scrutiny of their outrageous expense claims.

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